Volume 6, Number 1, 2021, P. 124–130
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The article is devoted to the management practice of using social advertising by the power and management system in one of the regions. Authors sought to show that the management system at different levels of the social organization is called upon to constantly use various ways of influencing mass behavior, causing certain behavioral reactions necessary in terms of its saturation with positive action. Among such methods, social advertising also occupies a certain place. The importance of using social advertising placed in places accessible for viewing and to prevent unwanted actions by individuals that can harm both them and others is also emphasized. It is noted that social advertising, along with some elements common to any advertising, has a number of features. Authors focused on health advertising practices, which seems particularly relevant in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The research conducted among student’s youth of Kaliningrad revealed that this category of the population characterizes social advertizing as the important information resource defining, in particular, methods of formation of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of negative consequences of noncompliance with recommendations in the period of COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, students note the low effectiveness of the impact of social advertising, presented, in their opinion, in outdated forms, record the lack of connection of such advertising with the formation of value attitudes. The study also showed the lack of qualification of those who prepare advertising products.
social advertising; the health sector; student youth; effectiveness of social advertising impact
Vladimir V. Krivosheev, Dr. Sci. (Sociological Sciences), Professor, Associate Professor, Institute of Humanities, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia
Elena A. Efimova, freelance, psychologist, Institute of the humanities, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University Baltic, Kaliningrad, Russia
For citation:
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