Volume 5, Number 4, 2020, P. 505–518
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The article analyzes the problematic aspects in the organization of engineering personnel training in modern socio-economic conditions, shows the need to develop analytical skills and professionally directed creativity, readiness to comprehensively analyze technical systems and determine the directions of their improvement. The role of the Olympiad movement in theoretical mechanics in the development of innovative readiness of an engineer is investigated and the need for the development of the Olympiad movement and its reaching a new level in the context of improving the creative qualities and analytical abilities of students is justified. The main methodological approaches for developing analytical skills and creativity in the Olympiad movement are axiological, competence-based, contextual, and activity-based. Based on a comprehensive analysis, a model of a competitive engineer who is ready to actively engage in innovative activities has been developed. The main qualities of an engineer are the ability to analyze information, the ability to determine the need to use a new physical principle of action, and psychological readiness to implement a creative process to improve technical systems under stress. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for organizing the educational process based on the implementation of the principles of impulse pedagogy and the use of the potential of digitalization are determined. The main pedagogical means are creative tasks. The principles of developing creative problems are considered and their application is shown through the example of constructing problems in theoretical mechanics. The developed theoretical foundations for the development of analytical skills are the basis for the methodology of organizing the Olympiad movement in modern conditions. It includes the stages of initiation of creative thinking, creative development, reflection and relaxation, and creative entry into the profession. The implementation of each stage presupposes a harmonious combination of face-to-face interaction between participants in the educational process and activities in the digital educational space. The organization of personal and professional development within the framework of the Olympiad movement in theoretical mechanics according to the proposed methodology will allow students to form analytical abilities, their universal competencies and readiness to actively participate in the engineering preparation of innovative projects at a higher level.
higher technical education, readiness for innovation, Olympiad movement of students, teaching theoretical mechanics
Andrei I. Popov, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogical sciences), Associate Professor, Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia
I would like to express my very great appreciation to Kukushkina Valentina Andreevna, a specialist in teaching methods, honorable person in national education, for her support and valuable comments throughout the article preparation.
For citation:
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