Poverty as a sociological, economic, psychological and legal category. Part 1. Prerequisites for scientific understanding of the phenomenon of poverty in modern Russia by lawyers

Volume 5, Number 4, 2020, P. 451–461


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The article is devoted to the study of poverty from the standpoint of law using scientific achievements of sociology, economic theory, and psychology in this field. Consideration of poverty as a legal phenomenon is necessary for the development of legal policy in this area and the effective implementation of legal regulation in order to prevent poverty as a negative phenomenon of socio-economic life of society. The main characteristics, criteria and indicators of poverty, legal principles for combating it should be prescribed legislatively. Then on this basis it may be possible to develop appropriate legal means and construct specific legal mechanisms from them aimed at gradually localizing, minimizing and overcoming poverty, and in the long term – its complete eradication. For such work, it is necessary to conduct preliminary research at the interface of law and sociology, economic theory, psychology. The first part of the article is introductory in nature, it examines the history of the issue, poses the problem, analyzes modern sources of law of a political and legal nature and legislative acts related to countering poverty and related negative phenomena, as well as the state of legal research in this area.


poverty, legal categories, sources of law of a political and legal nature, legal policy to overcome poverty, effectiveness of social legislation, legal status of the poor


Mikhail A. Mushinskiy, Cand. Sci. (Jurisprudence), Associate Professor of Jurisprudence Department, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

For citation:

Mushinskiy М.А. (2020) Poverty as a sociological, economic, psychological and legal category. Part 1. Prerequisites for scientific understanding of the phenomenon of poverty in modern Russia by lawyers. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 5. No. 4. P. 451–461. (In Russ.)


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