Dependence of the State stability on students’ citizenship education

Volume 5, Number 3, 2020, P. 324–333


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Any state is concerned with educating productive members of society, people who share the existing order that maintains the stability of the state system. The thesis put forward in this work on the correlation between the state’s concern about educating students’ civic position and the political stability of society is considered in historical retrospect. The article analyses the most important historical stages of the Russian state from the 18th century, the time of the appearance of higher education and formation of the concept «citizen». It also considers the period of the Soviet state, perestroika and modern stage of Russia. The trends that developed in the previous historical periods of time have had a significant impact on the modern students’ civic position in universities. In current conditions of the transition of a part of educational processes to a distance format, it is inevitable to change traditional methods of education and morale building. Moreover, the morale building should be strengthened, since the forced self-isolation of young people makes the information environment, which is the concentration of the most diverse information, the main place for leisure. Taking into account the specific features of the perception of the world by today’s generation of students, the feature of «information stability» becomes the most important component of the civic position of the individual, who understands the logic of the spread of information flows, media processes and methods of influence, control of consciousness through the information provided. Its formation is possible in any discipline through an emphasis on the reliability of information sources, the formation of a reflexive attitude to the acquired knowledge, information, and ongoing social phenomena.


civic position, political stability, information stability, patriotism, citizenship


Alla B. Denisova, Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Associate Professor of Philosophy and History Department, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «National Research University «MPEI», Moscow, Russia

For citation:

Denisova A.B. (2020) Dependence of the State stability on students’ citizenship education. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 5. No. 3. P. 324–333. (In Russ.)


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