Pedagogical support of a student’s creative self-development in the digital environment

Volume 5, Number 2, 2020, P. 244–254


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The article analyzes the changes in the value orientations of young people in the post-industrial digital economy and shows the importance of a student’s self-development for their professional becoming. The research is aimed at identifying the main characteristics of the components of a student’s creative self-development support system in the digital environment in order to improve the quality of training of technical specialists. The development of conceptual approaches to the problem was carried out on the basis of axiological, humanistic, contextual, personal-activity methodological approaches. The efficiency of a creative personality’s development in the university during self-guided work is determined by the readiness of academic staff to support individual trajectories of students and to ensure its creative nature, the development and implementation of instrumental and pedagogical tools that encourage manifestation of higher levels of intellectual activity, and the use of adaptive control system of creative self-development in individual disciplines on the basis of the analysis of students’ digital footprint. The problem point of learning in the digital environment is the lack of emotional impact on students, which determines the importance of training teachers to work in new conditions and the development of their creative and pedagogical competence. The key characteristics of the teacher’s readiness to support students’ creative self-development in the context of digitalization of economy are: a high level of spiritual and moral culture; the formation of their creative competencies; readiness to overcome psychological inertia and focus on the introduction of pedagogical innovations in the process of professional training; ability to use digital technologies both in the field of scientific interests and in educational activities. The most effective instrumental and pedagogical tools are creative tasks that reflect the subject and social contexts of professional activity and the Olympiad movement in a remote format, organized on the basis of the principles of impulse pedagogy and involving alternating stages of intensive mental work, group reflection and relaxation within virtual teams. The use of adaptive self-development management systems in fundamental disciplines provides maximum disclosure of students’ potential and building universal competencies in an individual mode.


innovative readiness, axiology, creativity, self-development, creative and pedagogical competence, digital educational technologies, pedagogical skills


Andrei I. Popov, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogics), associate Professor, associate Professor, Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia

Nataliya V. Molotkova, Dr. Sci. (Pedagogics), Professor, first Vice-rector, Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia

For citation:

Popov A.I., Molotkova N.V. (2020) Pedagogical support of a student’s creative self-development in the digital environment. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 5. No. 2. P. 244–254. (In Russ.)


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