The role of regional legal regulation in successful implementation of public and private partnership instruments through the example of Volga Federal district

Volume 5, Number 2, 2020, P. 171–179


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The purpose of this article is to determine the role of regional legal regulation in the successful implementation of public and private partnership instruments. First of all, public and private partnerships are considered as the ability of the state to implement important infrastructure projects with significant territorial coverage. It is determined that public and private partnerships act as a form of decentralization of state power, as well as a form of involvement of the Russian Federation legal entities in increasing their investment attractiveness. The article describes some of the reasons that impede the effective development of business involvement in solving important public problems through public and private partnerships. It analyzes interrelation between development of legal and regulatory framework of a legal entity in the field of public and private partnership and successful implementation of its instruments in some legal entities of Volga Federal District. The author presents statistical data that allow to identify the regions that are the most and least successful in the field of public and private partnership. With this in mind, regulatory legal acts of three regions of the Russian Federation (Nizhny Novgorod Region, Samara Region, Kirov Region) have been analyzed in order to determine the scope of implementation of legislative competencies in the field of public and private partnerships and create favorable conditions for its development in these regions’ territory. The study has showed that in the most successful regions in terms of investment attractiveness and development of public and private partnerships, the proper legislative framework is set that regulates the investment process in sufficient detail of projects from inception to completion. This allowed the author to conclude that there is a direct correlation between the development of regional legislation on public and private partnerships and investment attractiveness of the Russian Federation legal entities.


public and private partnership, investment, investment project, public infrastructure, regional legislation


Yuvenali V. Biserov, Head (Auditor) of the regional public organization «Freestyle Sports Federation of the Kirov Region»; executive director of LLC «MOROZOV», Kirov, Russia

For citation:

Biserov Y.V. (2020) The role of regional legal regulation in successful implementation of public and private partnership instruments through the example of Volga Federal district. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 5. No. 2. Pp. 171–179. (In Russ.)


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