Volume 5, Number 1, 2020, P. 43–53
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Formation of unified educational space is the task of different levels of education management, but it is often situation-driven without preliminary theoretical psychological and pedagogical comprehension and modeling. The pedagogical sphere of the university differs essentially from others. Besides, it is specific in each university. That is why the informatization of pedagogical processes is narrowly behind as against other directions. Students use information tools actively, but due to the lack of system they serve as additional elements, which do not affect the effectiveness of educational activity as a whole. Nevertheless, in today’s environment, on the one hand, information technology is a necessary element of upbringing attuned to young people’s focus and a channel through which educational ideas and principles can be transmitted; on the other hand, it is a subject of pedagogical, ethical and philosophical thought. The successful functioning of the information educational space requires a certain set of conditions and a separate direction to build content, whose task will be the development of student personality. Integration of information and telecommunication tools applied in educational sphere, their combination within the single space of the university will solve many problems, and first of all, it will enable the implementation of the principles of single input, absence of inconsistency, data heterogeneity, unified data in all sources that will transfer quantitative availability of information tools on new qualitative level.
pedagogical activity, information educational space, educational system, information technology, information influence
Denisova Alla Borisovna, Cand. Sci. (Philosophy), Associate Professor of Philosophy and History Department, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «National Research University «MPEI», Moscow, Russia
For citation:
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