Volume 5, Number 1, 2020, P. 34–42
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The article analyzes the norms of criminal legislation on liability for crimes committed as a result of household and family conflicts. It considers the changes in the criminal law on battery. The numerous modifications to the norm on criminal liability for battery were not caused by objective reasons. As a result of the amendments to the Criminal Code, the criminal legal protection of health has actually been weakened. The author examines preventive measures for violent crimes committed as a result of household and family conflicts contained in the draft of a special federal law developed by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia. The author suggests that the concept of domestic violence should include, first of all, acts containing signs of administrative offenses and crimes. Prevention from domestic violence should involve both measures to prevent recidivism and administrative offenses committed as a result of household and family conflicts, as well as measures taken against persons who have not previously been subjected to administrative or criminal liability. Recipients of prevention should be not only executive bodies (for example, internal affairs bodies), but also courts that hear cases related to offenses committed in a domestic setting. At the same time, preventive measures accompanied by a significant restriction of the rights of persons guilty of offenses related to violence in a domestic setting, such as, for example, a protective order, should be applied by the court when considering cases of relevant offenses and should be decerned along with the verdict (resolution) to prosecute release from liability or punishment on non-rehabilitative grounds (judicial fine, amnesty, etc.).
criminal policy, domestic violence, battery, criminalization, decriminalization of crimes, crime prevention, recidivism, protective order
Tatarnikov Vladimir Germanovich, Cand. Sci. (Jurisprudence), Associate Professor, Professor of Criminal Law Department, East Siberian Branch of FSBEI “Russian State University of Justice”, Irkutsk, Russia
For citation:
Tatarnikov V.G. (2020) Criminal liability for offences against the person committed as a result of household and family conflicts and problems of their prevention. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 5. No. 1. P. 34–42. (In Russ.)
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