Age-specific behavioral risks of disability of the Russian population

Volume 5, Number 1, 2020, P. 110–127


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Population disability is one of the most serious problems in the context of demographic aging. The annual loss due to this process results in the reduction of the labor potential of country’s population and in the accompanying costs of social services for disabled people. At the same time, by regulating people’s behavior in relation to their own health, it is possible to reduce the level of disability of the population. This determines the importance of scientific research in this area. The purpose of this study is to identify the most relevant behavioral risks of disability of the Russian population in the context of its age groups. The information base consists of data from Russian statistics and the results of a sample survey of behavioral factors affecting the health of the population conducted by Federal State Statistic Service. Data from representative sociological studies are used to characterize behavioral risk factors for children’s disability. It is shown that in Russia the prevalence of behavioral factors of disability is specific in different age groups of the population. It was found that behavioral practices among young people are the most contradictory: in comparison with other age groups, the highest indicators of physical activity are observed against the background of widespread smoking and alcohol consumption. The behavior of the older age group is largely due to existing health disorders. In particular, the presence of certain chronic diseases contributes to the rejection of bad habits. The main risk factor for older people is late application for medical care. The list of risk factors for children’s health has been compiled. The main behavioral health risks are formed in childhood and they largely copy the negative practices peculiar to parents’ lifestyle. In the final part of the work, we propose ways to reduce the identified risks taking into account the specifics of the considered age groups of the population.


public health, disability risk, health behaviour, sociological research, sample survey


Leila N. Natsun, research fellow of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Sciences “Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, Vologda, Russia


This research was carried out within the framework of state targets No. 0168-2019-0011“Demographic development of territories”.

For citation:

Natsun L.N. (2020) Age-specific behavioral risks of disability of the Russian population. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 5. No. 1. P. 110–127. (In Russ.)


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