Volume 5, Number 1, 2020, P. 6–17
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The author analyzes the national ideals in the works by representative of the Eurasian direction of political and legal thought jurist N.N. Alekseev. These ideals are described in the work of the thinker «Russian people and state», that actually is of legal and anthropological nature as it reveals the ideas about the ideal state and the ruler of the broad layers of the population of pre-revolutionary Russia. The study focuses on two people state ideals which are seemingly irreconcilable opposites. They are the idea of dictatorship developed by I.S. Peresvetov and Ivan IV as interpreted by N.N. Alekseev, as well as the state ideals of the Russian Cossack free will. When viewed more closely, the apparent incompatibility conceals the essential commonality, destructive nature and despotic suppression of the individuals, their rights and freedoms. The article performs a comparative analysis aimed at justifying this thesis, describes the in-depth features of the named ideals, provides their characteristics, and identifies their general features. According to the dialectical law of unity and struggle of opposites, the deep inner kinship between the idea of dictatorship and the ideals of Russian freedom is shown. Due to this kinship, manifestation of these ideal folk beliefs about the state and state power is no coincidence during the revolution of 1917, after the collapse of the dominant ideology. Being democratic in the process of formation, these ideals were not democratic in content, and thus influenced the revolutionary processes taking place in Russia in the first quarter of the XX century.
eurasianism, N.N. Alekseev, people state ideals, the idea of dictatorship, ideals of the Russian free state
Egor A. Kulikov, Cand. Sci. (Juridical Sciences), Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology Department, Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia
The article was implemented with the financial support of RF President Grant Fund for young candidates of sciences, Project № MK-483.2020.6 «The Eurasian alternative to the state and legal development of Russia: genesis, content, modern interpretation».
For citation:
Kulikov E.A. (2020) Unity and struggle opposites: the idea of dictatorship and the idea of free state as Eurasian nation-state ideals by N.N. Alekseev. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 5. No. 1. P. 6–17. (In Russ.)
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