The main activities of charitable organizations in Irkutsk: towards the analysis of social service model during the capitalist modernization period

Volume 4, Number 4, 2019, P. 380–390


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The article examines the activities of charitable organizations as an integral element of the domestic model of social assistance and support throughout the period of capitalist modernization. In the current context of the development of variable forms of social assistance, not only the study of the macrodynamics of social protection institutions, but also the study of individual models and practices of social security of vulnerable population in historical retrospective have a particular importance. The author’s attention is focused on the analysis of the charitable associations of Irkutsk in the second half of the XIX — early XX centuries. The study base includes government regulations, charters of charitable organizations, reports on their activities, and memoirs. The author presents the statistics of the number of Irkutsk charitable associations, their share among the general corps of non-political public associations of the Irkutsk province during late XIX — early XX centuries. These figures are compared with all-Russian ones. The role of public initiative and government agencies is established in the organization of charitable associations. The reasons for the opening of charitable organizations, the main directions of their activities, the functioning of charitable institutions beholden to associations are investigated. The analysis of the dynamics of the number and social composition of charitable associations members is provided; the motivation for participation in them is revealed. It is stressed that in the absence of a state social security system, charitable organizations acted as an effective mechanism for social assistance, becoming a prominent area of public initiative development.


social security institute, model of social assistance and support, charitable organizations, vulnerable groups of the population, state social security system, capitalist modernization, Irkutsk


Natalya I. Gavrilova, Cand. Sci. (Historical Sciences), Associate Professor of Sociology and Psychology Department, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

For citation:

Gavrilova N.I. (2019) The main activities of charitable organizations in Irkutsk: towards the analysis of social service model during the capitalist modernization period. Social Competence. Vol. 4. No. 4. P. 380–390. (In Russ.)


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