Volume 4, Number 4, 2019, P. 346–351
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Based on the view that creativity plays an important part both in general cognitive development of children and in education, supported by a number of prominent scholars, the author advocates that creativity should play a vital role in language education including first language, second language, heritage (community) language, and foreign language education. The author cites contemporary scholars who argue that creativity is mostly left out of school education around the world. Following this premise, the article provides a brief literature review of the existing research on various forms of incorporation of arts in the teaching of various school subjects including arts-infused education and art integration in selected schools in North America and Europe. The author also focuses on the studies investigating the inclusion of various forms and genres of arts in language education, including creative writing, music, visual arts, and drama. Special attention is paid to the studies focusing on the implementation of innovative approaches to second and foreign language education based on the incorporation of visual arts and creative artistic processes in language classrooms around the world, specifically the creation of picturebooks and comic books in the foreign language by language learners.
First language education, heritage language, foreign language teaching, second language learning, artsbased creativity, arts-infused learning, arts integration, visual arts, arts-based teaching, picturebook and comic book creation
Almetev Yu. V., Cand. Sci. (Pedagogical Sciences), PhD (University of Georgia, USA), Associate Professor of the English Language Theory and Practice Department, Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
For citation:
Almetev Yu. V. (2019) Arts-based approaches in contemporary world language education. Social Competence. Vol. 4. No. 4. P. 346–351. (In Russ.)
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