Volume 4, Number 4, 2019, P. 400–410
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The article presents an analysis of the results of sociological studies conducted in the regular monitoring mode (2011–2016) by the questionnaire method in order to study the social problems of young people from among the indigenous peoples of Ugra. The subject of the research was the urgent social problems of youth from among the indigenous minorities of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous okrug – Ugra. To obtain secondary information, tabular data, the Vortex sociological information processing and analysis program were used. In accordance with the purpose of the study, the major social concern of Ugra youth were identified. They are employment and unemployment, the need for the production growth, jobs, non-equilibrium in the labour market in rural areas. All of this makes young people’s employment hard. They need educational development, post-vocational education, and working practices. Family budget incomes are often below subsistence line established in the region that causes the need for social benefits, which are often the main source of cash income of young families. The formation of the personal budget is affected by the conditions in which young countrymen are – limited offers of the local labor market, lack of opportunities for permanent employment. Development of young people’s responsibility for their health requires attention; the alcohol abuse is the pressing problem.
the youth, Ugra, social problems, sociological research, small peoples of the North
Natalia V. Tkachuk, Researcher of Socio-Economic Development and Monitoring Department of budgetary institution, Ob-Ugric Institute of applied research and development, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia
For citation:
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