Volume 4, Number 2, 2019, P. 147–152
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Currently, in a medical college, students’ legal knowledge is one of the most important components of comprehensive development of a doctor’s personality, who is aware of the duties to the community and can make the best possible use of his\her creative potential in the professional activities. The article presents the main ideas to justify the need to build a legal culture of future doctors during vocational training. Some young people’s lack of spiritual values, the tendency of ideological degradation of the personality, legal nihilism and some other problems require rethinking and developing new approaches in organizing the acquisition of legal knowledge in a medical school. The level of legal culture of a modern doctor guarantees the quality and effectiveness of medical care, ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of citizens in the field of health care. Building medical students’ moral-psychological and professional qualities can be successful only on the basis of a deep understanding that the foundation of a personality is made up of such criteria of upbringing as responsibility, a sense of duty, self-awareness, integrity, ability to evaluate their behavior. The paper presents an initial analysis of the data obtained as a result of processing the survey conducted by 305 first-year students of the medical faculty of Kirov State Medical University.
social behavior, practical training of future medical experts, medical university, problems, legal culture, legal awareness, citizenship, professional skills
Svetlana O. Urvantseva, Senior Lecturer of Forensic Medicine Department, Kirov State Medical University, Kirov, Russia
For citation:
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