Volume 4, Number 2, 2019, P. 140–146
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As the main task of the methodology of pedagogical research is the elucidation of the essence and a deepening of the content of the most important psychological and pedagogical phenomena at the present stage in their continuous change and development. The direction of research of the phenomenon of «personification» has an interdisciplinary character and the topic of personification is presented in different ways according to different approaches and principles. The method of phenomenological analysis, existential, personological and system-synergetic approach are used in this study as the main methods in determining the essence of personification and the structure of personified space. From the position of the designated approaches the author considers the main trends in the development of the modern educational situation, studies the essence of the category «personification», types and functional characteristics. It is shown that personification and a number of other phenomena that have common invariant features create logical consistency in the study of important components of the reproduction of the systemic integrity of a human and ensure the deployment of selfhood. It is also relevant to present the author’s understanding of the personified space, which has the property of variability as a space of individual empowerment. From the position of system-synergetic approach the author presents the structure of personalized space in the form of three components-subspaces (psychological, social, cultural and educational), as well as their interrelations. The main formal-dynamic characteristics of personalized space are hierarchical organization, multilevel, open borders, nonlinearity of development, the ability to self-generation and self-organization, human dimension and adaptability. The theoretical analysis carried out by the author provides clarification, enrichment of terms and concepts in pedagogical science and creates guidelines for the work of the teacher-researcher.
phenomenology, phenomenological analysis, personification, personalization of education, person sphere, personological approach, existential approach, existential personological educational paradigm, personalized space
Irina А. Sinitsyna, Head of the methodical association of teachers of SBEI Sterlitamak special school for students with health limitations, Candidate for a pedagogic sciences degree, Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan,Russia
For citation:
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