Volume 4, Number 2, 2019, P. 128–134
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The article is devoted to one of the humanistic directions of national pedagogy – pedagogical support. Traditionally, pedagogical support of students is considered as an activity on the boundaries of socialization and self-dependence of the person. The processes of socialization and individualization have different essence, but are interrelated and interdependent. The main personal characteristic of the pupil included in the processes of socialization and individualization is his independence. The purpose of pedagogical support is to eliminate obstacles to his self-promotion in various activities. The leading areas of pedagogical support are personal and individual support. Personal support involves providing students with differentiated assistance in learning and personal development. The individual one means support in a particular life situation when the pupil can not do things on his\her own. The main communication tool of a teacher and a student in the conditions of the supporting activity is a dialogue. It helps to get to know not only another human, but also him\herself. In the processes of socialization-individualization the «World image» and «self-image» are established by means of axiologization of environment. Pedagogical support in this case is provided, as a help for a young person to choose true values, as his\her creation of his\her inner world on the basis of the adopted values, as the creation of conditions to find the solutions of the conflict.
personalization, student, pedagogical support, self-dependence, socialization, problem, difficulty
Irina S. Gomboyeva, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogical Sciences), Educator of Priargunsk State College, Priargunsk, Zabaykalsky Krai, Russia
For citation:
Gomboyeva I.S. (2019) Pedagogical support of students – activities at the boundaries of an individual’s socialization and self-dependence. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. Vol. 4. No. 2. Pp. 128–134. (In Russ.)
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