Volume 4, Number 2, 2019, P. 175–184
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The article attempts to analyze the problems of functioning of secondary education system in Russia. The main focus is placed on teaching social science at schools, lyceums and gymnasia as the closest problem for the author teaching sociology for more than one decade in higher educational institutions. The main shortcomings of the Unified national examination in social science are revealed. In particular, the article proves fragmentariness of data from different disciplines – political science, sociology, philosophy, law, economy that does not allow to create complete adequate idea of society, its structure, processes taking place in it. It is noted that it is not possible to achieve main objectives of the Unified national examination – to ensure equal access for all school leavers to higher education. It is constrained by the system of school leavers’ out-of-school training by special teachers whose labor compensation constantly increases. Reducing the quality of school education will be caused by the cancellation of the qualifying requirement for teachers to have obligatory pedagogical education. Measures are proposed to improve the teaching of social studies in secondary schools. In particular, we are talking about the fact that the Unified state examination in social studies in the form of a test should be only an addition to the oral examination, which will allow us to reveal more fully the students’ abilities to analyze the structure of society and its functioning.
social institute, education, Unified national examination, modernization of education, strategy of development of education
Vladimir V. Krivosheev, Professor of Humanities Institute of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Dr. Sci. (Sociological Sciences), Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia
For citation:
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