Volume 4, Number 1, 2019, P. 59–64
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The article attempts to present the text of the patent as an object for sociocultural researches. To achieve the goal of the study – the theoretical description of the text of patent as a sociocultural phenomenon, sociocultural approach and cultural transfer were used. In modern communicative space of information society, the science as the public phenomenon and one of the ways of the world cognition is considered as a sociocultural phenomenon. Change of a paradigm of perception of science has generated new perception of the document. Currently, the document is understood as a source of social information. The communicative space reveals the sociocultural nature of the document. Understanding of the culture occurs through a document, which contains cultural realities. A document belongs to culture artifacts, including technological culture that gives it the status of the sociocultural phenomenon existing in society and performing a number of functions: information, cognitive, orientation, cultural. The author examines familiarization with the world through scientific and technical progress, obtaining results of this activity in the form of any technical artifact and the social effect caused by scientific and technical discoveries in the context of sociocultural approach. The text of patent having special characteristics contains all signs of a sociocultural phenomenon: its emergence is connected with human creating activity, its action is aimed at the development of society and a person and causes change of the sociocultural environment. The essence of the text of the patent is determined by the human immanent desire to investigate and to improve the created by them surrounding reality.
patent, sociocultural phenomenon, cultural transfer, document, sociocultural approach
Pavel I. Boldakov, Cand. Sci. (Philology), Associate Professor of Foreign Language Department № 2 for Engineering Fields of Study, Institute of Linguistics and Cross-cultural Communication, Irkutsk, Russia
For citation:
Boldakov P.I. Text of the patent as a sociocultural phenomenon. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. 2019, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 59–64. (In Russ.).
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