Media competence: freedom of connection and disconnection

Volume 4, Number 1, 2019, P. 50–58


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The increasing role of media keeps up to date such social concepts and attractors as eventivity, inclusiveness, newsbreak, accessibility, openness, speed with which information is distributed that have become sociocultural vectors of society, as well as levers for economy. To form media competence is a difficult target, which consists of many tasks: technical equipment, special SMM skills (promotion of goods and services in the social media environment), knowledge of terminology, communication management, content management, work with different interfaces, media analysis skills , implementation of key performance indicators (KPI). One of the important components of media competence is media ethics, the moral code of all participants in the communicative environment, where there is not only freedom to connect and distribute, but also freedom to disconnect and stop proliferation of information; security, business reputation protecting and privacy protection. The problem formulated is both theoretical and applied. Its theoretical aspect can be formulated symbolically as follows: where do electromagnetic waves of total transparency not reach? Where does personal freedom of access to information and communication end and where does public interest in protection from personal electronic devices begin? The applied aspects of the problem are confrontation of the individual’s freedom of information, the individual’s right to privacy and corporate security requirements. The novelty of media competence study lies in the emergent nature of the phenomenon itself, which is at the intersection of user qualification in the field of modern communication platforms, communication skills, work organization and business communication. Results: 1) the problem of the subject’s transparency in the digital economy is formulated, 2) the reasons for limiting the use of personal electronic devices are specified, 3) the specifics of educational organizations attitude to gadgets is reflected.


media culture, media education, media studies, MIG, MI literacy, informatization, media content, information security, generation NEXT, information society


Alexey S. Timoschuk, Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies Department at Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs, Associate Professor, Vladimir, Russia

For citation:

Tymoshchuk A.S. Media Competence: Freedom of connection and disconnection. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. 2019, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 50–58. (In Russ.).


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