Volume 4, Number 1, 2019, P. 80–86
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A number of Siberian regions faced a serious situation with regard to migration of residents to other regions of Russia. This trend has been observed since the late 80s of the 20th century. In Angara region the youth population that is the most active agents of changes decreases. Not only decline in fertility and pollution affect the demographic loss of the region, but also the migration outflow contributes to reducing the number of young people in the region. How does this threaten the area, what consequences can it cause?
The article discusses the evolution of migration flows in Irkutsk region, characterizes the relationship between migration processes and the socio-economic situation of the region. Various factors and aspects of migration are analyzed. The author notes that in the modern world there is a struggle for labor resources, primarily for young people, who should contribute to the development of territories and who have a sound academic background, the higher level of requirements and high mobility.
Based on the analysis of various sources (theoretical studies of youth migration, statistical data, sociological studies), it is indicated that migration processes influence the nature of the socio-economic situation of Irkutsk region, the possibilities for the development of its economy, and the efficiency of human resource in Angara region. The article analyzes the causes of youth migration, identifies regions that are attractive from the point of view of the migrant population from Irkutsk region. It is noted that the migration in Angara region is of a centripetal character, in which young people strive to move to a metropolitan city — Moscow, cities with a million-plus population: St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk.In the region, the most desirable for resettlement place is the regional center of Irkutsk.
As a result, the research puts forward proposals to improve the migration climate in Irkutsk region to increase the influx of young people.
youth, Angara region, youth of Irkutsk region, migration, “western drift”
Elena N. Struk, Dr. Sci. (Philosophy), head of Sociology and Psychology Department, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia
For citation:
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