The Socratic method as an innovative approach to education

Volume 3, Number 4, 2018, P. 31–35


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The article discusses the major and possible changes in modern education, defines the role of its participants and demonstrates some stages. It proves the necessity of convergence between a student and teacher in learning process and shows the possibility of determining the principal approaches in the implementation of guidelines. In this regard, a number of problems are presented to discuss. It is dialogue that being a specific knowledge in the current educational situation develops the basic communicative and cognitive skills in the group and individually, as well as the orientation necessary for socialization. Interactive methods in education are considered to be the modern approach. The author determines the main task of the implementation of these methods: the involvement of as many students as possible in the process of discussing the current topic, learning the current material, etc. Socratic method is a question-answer approach. In his contemporaries’ description, Socrates led it to the expected results in this way. But the activity of Socrates was confined to philosophical thinking. His views are reflected in the works of his followers and contemporaries. Taking into account the personal approach, it is possible to realize the possibilities of education. In modern pedagogical literature a number of attempts is made to explain this phenomenon. The modern methods of education suggest a student to make their own independent choices on the point of interest. According to modern teachers, the most productive thing is the analysis and exploration of the studied material.


modern methods of education, analysis of the studied material, innovative approach in education, self-realization and cognition in education


Elena V. Bondareva, Senior Lecturer of Jurisprudence Department, National Research Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

For citation:

Bondareva E.V. The Socratic method as an innovative approach to education. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. 2018;4(3):31–35. (In Russ.).


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