Psychotherapeutic models of socio-psychological competence

Volume 3, Number 4, 2018, P. 21–30


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The article considers socio-psychological competence as the ability of an individual to interact effectively with surrounding people in the interpersonal relationship system. The socio-psychological competence includes the ability to navigate social situations, correctly determine the personal characteristics and emotional states of other people, choose the appropriate ways to handle them and implement these methods in the interaction. The ability to put oneself in the other person’s position plays a special role here. The socio-psychological competence is a basic, integral characteristic of a personality that reflects their achievements in developing relationships with other people, ensures the mastery of social reality and provides the opportunity to build effectively their behavior depending on the situation and in accordance with social norms and standards currently accepted. There are several approaches to its consideration. Each approach puts forward its interpretation of this concept. There is therefore a need to develop integrative models of competence. The effectiveness of social functioning and the success of a person’s relationship, however, is in all cases related to the correlation, harmony of the various components of their life and communication. With that, social and psychological competence includes two types of orientation: adaptation (struggle with difficulties, adaptation to the system), assimilation, adaptation of the system to itself. The first type is characterized by «permanent confrontation», the struggle and «heroism» peculiar to ordinary people, whose subjective task is to overcome the difficulties of life. The second type is marked by pleasure, joy and happiness that is the task of adults seeking harmony and joy. For the first method, the strategy of self-handicapping is typical: a person builds their life diligently and, as a rule, unconsciously, often preferring unpleasant situations in order to solve their old problems. The second method is a self-realization strategy related to the understanding of their destination and life goals.


competence, psychotherapeutic model, psychoanalysis, behaviorism, cognitive psychotherapy, humanistic psychotherapy, integrative psychotherapy


Mariam R. Arpentieva, Dr. Sci. (Psychology), Associate Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, academician of the International Academy of Natural History (IANH), leading research fellow of Humanitarian Institute, Ugra State University, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia

For citation:

Arpentieva M.R. Psychotherapeutic models of socio-psychological competence. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. 2018;4(3):21–30. (In Russ.).


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