Volume 3, Number 3, 2018, P. 63–71
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The article presents the empirical study of the deterioration tendency of social health of senior age groups that includes population aged 60 years and over. Social health is considered as set of personal characteristics providing an individual with harmonious interaction with the social environment as a result of which, on the one hand, his/her biopsychosocial needs are met and, on the other hand, social environment preserves and develops. Social health deterioration is shown in social exclusion strengthening, feeling unwell in various types of relations and so forth. Analysis of the reasons causing social health deterioration of representatives of senior age group (weak social motivation, lack of knowledge of social activism opportunities, a prevalence of external locus control, etc.) enables to justify the program of work with them aimed at social health strengthening. The efficiency of this program which includes endeavors to create conditions, attitudes, motivations, knowledge and abilities providing a social inclusion of elderly and senile aged population is experimentally proved on the basis of indicators of life quality of its participants. The results of the study have shown an essential role of planning for old age, own time structuring, work to identify negative gerontostereotypes and their dispelling both in attitudes and practices, broadening of social outlook in formation of elderly aged population social health. Due to this program the indicators of emotional health scales, vitality and emotional and role functioning have undergone basic positive correction, in a smaller measure – social and especially physical functioning.
social health, senior age group, social exclusion, health in relations, social capital
Lola V. Kolpina, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of Social Technologies Department, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia
The study was completed as a part of the RFFR project No. 16-03-00203-OGN “The potential of the local community in formation of the social health of senior age group population”.
For citation:
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