Tutoring as a factor of social inequality in the educational environment

Volume 3, Number 3, 2018, P. 39–48


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The article is devoted to the problems of the tutoring institute development in the context of the development of the modern educational space. Tutoring is considered as a necessary institution that complements and often replaces the system of training in a secondary school. The attention is focused on the increasing social inequality in the modern Russian society. The article provides the theoretical arguments to show the insidious effects of the educational system on the formation of social inequality and highlights the differentiating role of tutoring as a factor of social differentiation among young people in the period of secondary school completion. It presents the results of the applied sociological research that confirm the increasing trend of tutoring as an additional educational service both among school leavers and first-year students. The author identifies the causes of the wide spread of tutoring among secondary school leavers, determines the main reasons to seek tutoring and shows its socio-communicative, cultural and social aspects. The article provides the empirical results of related research examining the role and place of tutoring as a factor in the modern education system. The study concludes that school leavers are quite actively involved in training with tutors. The results of the survey have shown that the vast majority of first-year students have sought tutoring services; practically all first-year students of some fields of study in the higher educational institutions have worked with a tutor. The conclusion is made about the stability of the functioning of the institution of tutoring, which has been legitimized in the public consciousness in the modern Russian conditions.


education, tutoring, social inequality, social differentiation, academic preparatory classes


Victor B. Bolshov, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of Sociology Department, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia

For citation:

Bolshov V.B. Tutoring as a factor of social inequality in the educational environment. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. 2018;3(3): 39–48. (In Russ.).


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