Volume 3, Number 3, 2018, P. 32–38
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The article examines the possibility of introducing a regional component in the Russian language teaching through the study of regional toponymy. It states that all components of the Russian language can be considered with due account for local geographic names that allows not only generate interest among students since toponyms are always of interest to schoolchildren, but also to establish interdisciplinary connections on this basis. Using the example of Kuban toponymy, the author suggests specific conditions to introduce regional language material in the cognitive process. Moreover, some extra sources of students’ cognitive activity stimulation are considered. The attention is focused on the fact that the inclusion of the regional component will most contribute to the formation of students’ careful and correct attitude to their native language and to their greater interest in the study of linguistic phenomena. Such a position can be formed both in teaching the Russian language in class and during extracurricular activities. The study presents a list of assignments that will contribute to the understanding of toponymic material and suggests a number of tasks related to specific components of the Russian language. It is concluded that the study of local geographical names promotes the establishment of national cultural and historical ties in the polyethnic region that shape students’ linguistic picture of the world from the standpoint of patriotism. Besides, a comparative review of Russian and Adyge names will greatly help students shape a value-conscious picture of the world of two peoples.
Russian language, toponymy, regional component, patriotism, linguistic picture of the world
Tatyana V. Fedotova, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Russian Language and Speech Communication Department, Kuban State Agricultural University named after I.T. Trubilin, Krasnodar, Russia
For citation:
Fedotova T.V. Regional toponymics as an area of focus for implementing the regional component (in case of Kuban toponymy). Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. 2018;3(3):32–38. (In Russ.).
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