Content opportunities of chemistry program for development of schoolchildren’ creative personality

Volume 3, Number 3, 2018, P. 25–34


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The article is devoted to the development of the creative personality of schoolchildren. The problem of the creative activity of the child in the educational process has become topical at the beginning of the previous century and is still the subject of study of many teachers and psychologists. At the beginning of our work, we analyze the concepts of “creative abilities”, “creative potential”, “creative activity” that take on new meanings in connection with the implementation of the federal state educational standard. The article presents the structure of the school chemistry program in detail, examines the potential of the content in terms of the influence of the process of creative tasks solution on the development of the student’s personality. The structure of the school subject should include some forms of training activities aimed at developing students’ skills of creative activity. Our study showed that creative tasks solution in the process of teaching chemistry takes significant place. The article demonstrates the creative tasks we have chosen to study one of the topics of the school chemistry program “The main classes of inorganic compounds”, and provides a list of several tasks suggested students to solve. To test the effectiveness of their use in chemistry class, a survey was conducted twice to identify the degree of formation of creative abilities of the eighth grade students, before study of the chosen topic and after introduction of the major compounds classes. The results of the survey have been improved significantly after the approbation of the developed system of creative tasks. The study showed that the use of the proposed collection of creative tasks is an effective means of enhancing the learning and cognitive activity of students in the classroom, contributes to the formation of their creative skills to explore, evaluate, discover the essence of chemical phenomena, processes, laws and methods of cognition.


creative abilities, creative potential, personal development, metadisciplinary learning outcomes, chemistry school program, the content of the academic subject


Olga V. Romanova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Biological Education Theory and Methodology Department, South Federal University, Rostov-on-don, Russia

For citation:

Romanova O.V. Content opportunities of chemistry program for development of schoolchildren’ creative personality. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. 2018;3(3):25–31. (In Russ.).


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