Impact of appellation of origin of goods as intellectual property object on geobranding

Volume 3, Number 3, 2018, P. 6–12


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In the last few years, the issues of image, brand of regions and the country as a whole are particularly relevant. As practice shows, currently there is competition not only among companies, but also regions compete with each other, in particular, for attracting investments. The search for mechanisms that can effectively influence the brand of the region is necessary. One of such mechanisms that improve the brand of the region can be differentiation of a product originating in a certain territory, having special properties that are exclusively or mainly determined by the natural conditions and (or) human factors peculiar to a given geographical object. Depending on the impact of any reasons the special properties of the goods are formed. Goods can acquire such properties due to natural or human factors or their combination. However, regardless of this, the appellation of origin of goods always guarantees the presence of special properties in goods, since they and reputation are conditions for obtaining legal protection. Any of the listed types of appellation of origin of goods contributes to reputation and formation of a positive image of the territory where it is produced. In the current European system of product differentiation, the protected appellation of origin corresponds to the Russian appellation of origin, while the protected geographical indication is not provided in Russian legislation. In order to unify the legislation, as well as to spread the positive European experience, it is proposed to introduce new means of individualizing geographical indications into the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. However, despite the great potential, there are only 169 appellations of origin of goods registered in Russia, so certain measures are required to increase their number, which will include not only state support, but also the promotion of goods through the “Made in Russia” communication project. The article discusses the use of appellations of origin of goods as a mechanism to influence geobranding, suggests ideas for improving the mechanisms of applying this institution.


appellation of origin of goods, intellectual property, geographical indication, geobranding


Olga G. Stepanenko, Candidate of Social Sciences, Associate Professor of Jurisprudence Department, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

For citation:

Stepanenko O.G. Impact of appellation of origin of goods as intellectual property object on geobranding. Sotsial’naya kompetentnost’ = Social Competence. 2018;3(3):6–12. (In Russ.).


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