Understanding as the basis of teaching speaking skills in a foreign language to students of technical universities

Volume 3, Number 2, 2018, P. 62–67


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The study is timely due to the utmost importance of solving the problem of understanding when teaching a foreign language. The understanding of written and oral speech plays an important role in providing effective communication and is one of the foundations of the professional competence of students as future professionals. The article summarizes the experience of wellknown experts on the problem of understanding, draws conclusions about approaches that can ensure acquisition of speech understanding skills, examines the challenges students face when trying to understand English written and oral speech. The correct use of approaches provides successful acquisition of the skills of understanding speech in the context of established skills of reading scientific literature in a foreign language. For this reason the important thing is that the students should understand the system of semantic links between the elements of utterances on scientific topics in their native language. One of the main methodological approaches is the formation of students’ abilities to analyze and synthesize speech related to understanding. The students ‘ability to analyze and synthesize speech, their erudition, the existence of a large number of lexical units in English scientific speech that have direct correspondence in Russian can contribute to solving the task of understanding. In the text understanding, either the ability to analyze the language structure and content or the contextual deduction can prevail. It will be useful if students read a large amount of scientific and technical literature in the foreign language they study and do a lot of of written translations.


foreign language, teaching students, teaching to understand, written speech, oral speech, technique of teaching, professional texts


Nina K. Epritskaya, Senior Lecturer of Foreign Languages Department No 1 for Engineering Fields of Study, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

For citation:

Epritskaya N.K. Understanding as the basis of teaching speaking skills in a foreign language to students of technical universities. Social Competence, 2018, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 62–67. (In Russian).


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