Criminal liability for crimes encroaching on gender equality provided by law of the USSR and the Russian federation

Volume 3, Number 2, 2018, P. 48–53


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The article considers the crimes against the family and minors in the criminal legislation of the USSR and the Russian Federation, emphasizes the conditionality of family and marriage law by economic, social and other factors, as well as by the social system. It examines the role of criminal law norms in the protection of family values including the rights of family members and the evolution of post-revolutionary Russian law on the protection of the rights of family members. The authors show the attitude of the RSFSR Criminal Code to the responsibility for crimes representing survival of local customs and compare the attitude of Criminal Codes of the RSFSR and the Russian Federation to crimes that encroach on the equality of men and women. The article also discusses the evolution of the norms of modern Criminal Code of the Russian Federation about responsibility for domestic abuse and other domestic crimes. The results of the study provide proposals aimed at improving the current legislation. Specifically, it is proposed to impose criminal liability for such crimes as taking the bride price by parents, relatives or the bride’s relatives, forcing a woman to marry or preventing marriage, bigamy or polygamy. In addition, it is recommended to criminalize such form of domestic violence as bodily blows. The authors point out that the criminal law aimed at protecting the most important personal rights including those relating to equality must be stable. This is especially important for protecting the rights of participants in the most important social relations to which the family belongs.


family, family-friendly, crimes against family and minors


Evgeniya A. Zhila, a Lecturer, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

Vladimir G. Tatarnikov, Candidate of Judicial Sciences, Associate Professor of Jurisprudence Department, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

For citation:

Zhila E.A., Tatarnikov V.G. Criminal liability for crimes encroaching on gender equality provided by law of the USSR and the Russian federation. Social Competence. 2018, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 48–53. (in Russian).


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