Volume 3, Number 2, 2018, P. 131–139
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In the modern world, educational mobility is a widespread phenomenon. In the process of training, international students get an idea of the host country and its citizens. The article provides the results of the study of the images of East Asia (China) and Eastern Europe (Poland) countries perceived by international students. The authors have interviewed students who studied in these countries for at least six months. The methods of qualities assignation and free description were applied. To collect data the questionnaire was drawn up in Russian and English. From the international students’ viewpoint five characteristics (components) are important for the image of a country: climate and geography, politico-legal aspect, inhabitants, culture and art, personal assessments and attitudes. When comparing the significance of these elements in the image of Poland and China, some differences were found in the students’ perception of European and Asian states and cultures. The article discusses images of local residents, their positive and negative characteristics from foreign international students’ viewpoint. Seven significant components were identified in the image of the local population: elements reflecting the relationship with the country and other cultures; attitude towards work and business qualities; communicative characteristics; attitude towards people; general personality orientation; life experience, lifestyle and habits; physical appearance. Differences in perception of host country population by students studying in Eastern Europe and East Asia have been revealed.
international student, educational mobility, ethnic stereotype, inhabitant, country of training, local resident, image, perception
Olga A. Khomchenko, a graduate student, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia
Elena S. Studenikina, Associate Professor of Sociology Department, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia
For citation:
Khomchenko O.A., Studenikina E.S. Eastern Europe and East Asia countries in international students’ perception. Social Competence, 2018, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 131–139. (In Russian).
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