SOS mothers as a special social-professional group in the modern Russian society

Volume 3, Number 2, 2018, P. 118–123


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The study subject is a new social and professional group – SOS mothers; the topic being examined is features of SOS mothers’ position and their role in modern Russian society. Special attention is paid to the conditions of its creation, labor and employment after the contract conclusion, the requirements to socio-demographic, professional and personal characteristics, as well as SOS mothers’ retirement conditions. The article discusses SOS villages where SOS mothers work and the relationship with employees of a similar profession and social role. The study involved the method of detailed point-counter analysis, the lack of information on which makes it impossible to conduct a wide sample study. In addition, secondary data analysis was used based on interviews with SOS mothers found in online publications. The study has concluded that the problem at issue is underexamined due to the low level of awareness of the public and the scientific community about SOS mothers and SOS villages in Russia; the demand for SOS mothers is directly related to the social policy for orphaned children. The main content of the work is devoted to the description of the social profile of a SOS mother through systematizing information about the social characteristics of SOS mothers and comparing their professional activities with the work of nannies and tutors in orphanages, orphan asylums, boarding schools, and also with the role of the adoptive mother.


SOS villages, SOS mothers, SOS family, SOS aunt, foster care, orphaned children, adoptive family, upbringing, philanthropic organization, social orphanhood


Evgeniya G. Kopalkina, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of Sociology and Psychology Department, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

For citation:

Kopalkina E.G. SOS mothers as a special social-professional group in the modern Russian society. Social Competence, 2018, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 118–123. (In Russian).


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