Social-humanitarian sciences as a factor of human development and formation of the innovative society

Volume 3, Number 2, 2018, P. 104–109


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The article specifies the place of disciplines of the socio-humanitarian block in the system of modern education at universities, and analyzes the importance of social and humanitarian sciences for a modern person. It emphasizes the humanities as a source of development of important qualities and practical skills of the individual, ways of thinking, as well as their moral component. In addition, the author notes the role of social and humanitarian education as a factor that contributes to the self-development of the individual, carries a spiritual and moral load, makes a significant contribution to the process of personality formation, and teaches to interact not only with material but also spiritual values of society. Currently, it is impossible to imagine the stable innovative development of society without those competencies and skills that are formed by the social and humanitarian disciplines, for example, interpersonal skills, the ability to maintain business communication with experts from other fields, the development and implementation of new projects, written and oral communication, including those in foreign languages. The disciplines of the socio-humanitarian cycle form such important qualities as the desire for success, the ability to work in a team, critical thinking and self-criticism, leadership, initiativity. Moreover, the article notes the importance of natural disciplines, due to which new horizons were opened for a human, and technical progress became available that brought society to a qualitatively new level of life.


humanitarian education, humanitarian science, public and social subjects, sociohumanitarian disciplines, society, personality


Valentin V. Andreev, Undergraduate, Department of Political Science, History and Region Studies, Faculty of History, Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia

For citation:

Andreev V.V. Social-humanitarian sciences as a factor of human development and formation of the innovative society. Social Competence, 2018, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 104–109. (In Russian).


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