A personality’s psychological resources of adaptation to the stressogenic conditions of professional activity

Volume 3, Number 2, 2018, P. 96–103


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The article considers the concepts «adaptation», «psychological resources of adaptation», «psychic and nervous stability», «adaptive potential», «communicative abilities». It discusses different approaches to the definition of the concept «adaptive resources» within the framework of the theories of psycho-psychological stress, personal adaptive potential, preventive resource, the principle of «conservation» of resources, etc. Psychological resources are described as certain constructs that can adapt in difficult life situations and they are important for a person. When analyzing the concepts «resource», «psycho-logical resources», akin, not always identical, terms are used which significantly expand the understanding of the phenomenon of interest. Psychological resources are considered as internal and external variables that contribute to psycho-logical stability in stressful situations; they include emotional, sexual motivation, cognitive and behavioral structures, which are actualized at the psychological and psychophysiological levels of regulation to adapt to stressful life situations. The level of stress experienced is analyzed in connection with the adaptation resources of the employees of the rehabilitation center. The comparative analysis of the adaptation resources of two groups of subjects is carried out: with a high and moderate level of stress. It was revealed that psychic and nervous stability, communicative competence are necessary psycho-logical resources that ensure the success of psycho-social adaptation of employees of the rehabilitation center. It was found that under stressful conditions of professional activity there is a correlation between stress level and adaptation resources: the lower the stress level the employees have, the greater resources of adaptation are available to them.


adaptation, professional stress, adaptation resources, psychic and nervous stability, adaptive potential, communicative abilities


Elena I. Finogenko, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of Sociology and Psychology Department, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia

For citation:

Finogenko E.I. A personality’s psychological resources of adaptation to the stressogenic conditions of professional activity. Social Competence, 2018, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 96–103. (In Russian).


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