Editorial Collegium

Editor-in-Chief – Mikhail N. Nevzorov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director for Science of the School of Education of the Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia)

Deputy Editor-in-Chief – Natalia L. Korshunova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Developmental Psychology of the School of Pedagogy of the Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia)

Executive secretary – Tatiana A. Gavrilova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor,  specialist for educational and methodical work of the School of Pedagogy of the Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia)


Takhir Yu. Bazarov, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Professor of Department of Social Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia)

Yulia N. Galaguzova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Comparative Studies, Ural State Pedagogical University (Yekaterinburg, Russia)

Natalya B. Moskvina, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Education and Educational Policy of the School of Pedagogy of the Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia)

Irina M. Osmolovskaya, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Education, chief of the Laboratory of Theoretical Pedagogy and Philosophy of Education, Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education (Moscow, Russia)

Valentin M. Polonsky, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education (Moscow, Russia)

Natalia V. Sidorova, Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor of Sociology and Psychology Department, Irkutsk National Research Technical University (Irkutsk, Russia)

Tatiana P. Skripkina, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Sociology, Psychology of Management and History, State University of Management (Moscow, Russia)

Elena N. Struk, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Head of Sociology and Psychology Department, Irkutsk National Research Technical University (Irkutsk, Russia)

Klavdiya G. Erdyneeva, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Developmental Psychology, Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia)

Tatyana D. Shaposhnikova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Comparative Education and History of Pedagogy, Institute of Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education (Moscow, Russia)