Etiquette unit «apology» as a regulator of speech behaviour of partners in conversation

Volume 2, Number 1, 2017, P. 34–39


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The paper analyzes the functional features of Apology speech act as the etiquette unit within the communicative-pragmatic approach. Specifically, the correlation between terms of «politeness» and «etiquette» is discussed; the main characteristics of Apology as the etiquette unit are described. Based on the analysis conducted it was revealed that Apology is used to influence both emotional and mental state of the addressee and to change his/her behavior. Apology as the etiquette unit is a regulator of partners’ speech behavior and helps to preserve the social balance.


apology, communicative situation, speech behavior, speech act, politeness, speech etiquette, social balance


Tufanova Yuliya Valeryevna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Foreign Languages for Humanities, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia


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