Volume 9 (2024), No. 3, pp. 18–29
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Educational recreation is widely demanded by the parent community and is actively developing as a form of additional education in Russia and the Republic of Korea. The need to intensify international cooperation in the field of educational recreation between these countries is due to the high demand of primary, secondary and senior educational institutions of the Republic of Korea in conducting education and recreation programs for students. The study was carried out within the framework of a comparative-analytical approach. The factual material collected during the study shows the diversity of the content of educational programs for children and youth camps in the Republic of Korea. The following types of educational recreation programs for school-age children have been identified: general education and recreation programs, foreign language programs, creative and scientific programs, career guidance programs, sports and educational programs. There are similar moments in the organization of educational holidays in Russia and the Republic of Korea within the framework of children’s and youth camps, which can contribute to the successful interaction of the two countries in this area. In the process of establishing international cooperation, it should be taken into account that in the Republic of Korea, educational programs in children’s camps are practice-oriented. Their goal is to form the personal experience of students in various scientific, creative and cultural fields. The closest and most promising region for international exchange in the field of children’s recreation with the Republic of Korea is the Primorsky Region, Russian Federation. The region has sufficient resources for international cooperation in the field of educational recreation for children and youth with the Asia-Pacific countries.
Russian Federation, Republic of Korea, educational recreation, youth camp, types of educational recreation programs, international cooperation
Elena V. Chalaya, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, English Teacher, Secondary school No. 28 of Ussuriisk (Ussuriisk, Russian Federation), chacor@mail.ru, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1143-7745
Elena S. Chernyshuk, Master of Education, English Teacher, Secondary school No. 17 of Vladivostok (Vladivostok, Russian Federation), lena_chernyshuk@bk.ru
For citation:
Chalaya E.V., Chernyshuk E.S. Organization of children’s educational rest in Russia and the Republic of Korea. Social Competence, 2024, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 18–29. (In Russ.).
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