The technology of creating infographics as a tool for the development of the cognitive component of teachers’ readiness for educational activities

Volume 9 (2024), No. 2, pp. 34–44


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The article presents the technology of creating an infographic «Key meanings of educational activity» as a didactic tool that promotes the development of the cognitive component of teachers’ readiness for educational activities. This infographic is a visual representation of the semantic content of the theory of education in the form of a «cloud of words». Understanding the essence and structure of the phenomenon of «readiness for educational activity», as well as considering the lack of understanding of the meaning of the updated phenomena of education as one of the reasons for the weak readiness of modern teachers for it, led to an appeal to cognitive pedagogy. Based on the analysis of scientific literature and empirical experience, it has been established that the professional conceptosphere is a knowledge system that is assigned by consciousness at the level of semantic attitudes and allows to holistically organize the educational process. The formation of the professional conceptosphere takes place through the use of cognitive pedagogy tools that offer ways to work with information that ensure the generation of their own knowledge system. The didactic possibilities of the considered infographics allow students to demonstrate in a concise form the actual content of the theory of education, as well as to organize work on understanding and systematization of theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during the period of study under an additional professional training program. The article describes the stages of infographic development, as well as presents tasks for students to create their own infographics in accordance with the logic and specifics of the formation of the professional conceptosphere of educational activity.


professional development of a teacher, readiness for educational activities, professional conceptosphere, cognitive pedagogy, infographics


Yana A. Batkaeva, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Social and Humanitarian Education and Educational Policy the School of Pedagogy, Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russian Federation)

For citation:

Batkaeva Y.A. The technology of creating infographics as a tool for the development of the cognitive component of teachers’ readiness for educational activities. Social Competence, 2024, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 34–44. (In Russ.).


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