Volume 9 (2024), No. 2, pp. 6–18
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The article addresses the issue of forming patriotic attitudes in schoolchildren, with a focus on the use of the project method in educational activities. The purpose of the study is to synthesize existing experience and develop a theoretical model of patriotic education aimed at a deeper exploration of local history and culture. The analysis is based on a cultural-historical approach and includes a comparison of various methods of patriotic education, emphasizing the advantages of the project method for fostering civic and cultural values consciously. The research methods include content analysis of scientific publications, comparative and interpretative analysis, and modeling. The results confirm that the project method, when integrated into the educa-tional process, promotes a deeper understanding among students of the value of cultural heritage, fosters respect for historical achievements, and strengthens a sense of social responsibility. A key conclusion is that the project methodology achieves sustainable patriotic education through the active engagement of students in research activities. Unlike traditional approaches, the proposed methodology takes into account the local cultural context, making it effective and adaptable for use in various regions. The novelty of the article lies in the theoretical systematization and modeling of the project method as a tool for patriotic education, providing a foundation for further empirical research and practical application in educational institutions.
patriotic education, project method, school education, cultural values, civic identity, historical heritage, educational methodology
Evgeniy N. Boyarov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor at the Department of Life Safety, Sakhalin State University (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russian Federation)
For citation:
Boyarov E.N. Application of the project method for forming patriotic attitudes in schoolchildren. Social Competence, 2024, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 6–18. (In Russ.).
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