Utterance as a discourse unit: defining the concept

Volume 1, Number 2, 2016, P. 13–17


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The paper considers the various approaches to the definitions of the concept “utterance” suggested by modern linguists. Following the theory by M. Foucault, the author defines the utterance as a material oral or written unit existing in specific cultural and situational contexts. The definition allows us to distinguish the following characteristics of the utterance: material nature, contextual dependence, relationship with other discursive units. These features help make a careful distinction between an utterance and such units as a sentence, phrase or proposition. The study is based on the works by Russian and foreign researchers (M. Bakhtin, E. Benveniste, M. Foucault, R. Wodak et al.).


utterance; discourse; discourse unit; genre; speech act; context


Krapivkina Olga, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department №2 for Engineering Fields of Study, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia


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