Legal mechanics of social protection of foster family in Russia

Volume 1, Number 1, 2016, P. 65–68


Article (file: pdf, size: 152 KB)


This article considers some of the issues of social protection of foster families and the role of state control authority responsible for protection of interest of orphan children and those deprived of parental care. The article presents model logic scheme of specifically legal impact on social relations. It analyzes the structure of the right to social protection of a foster family in Russia, the basic components of legal mechanics of social protection of the foster family, and the tools of practical solution to many issues in the field of childhood: implementation of the national projects «Health» and «Education», federal target programs, the most important legislative acts. The authors highlight the advantages of family placement of orphans and the main forms of their placement.


foster family, orphans, family forms of placement, social protection, family policy, national projects, care homes, substitute families


Ekaterina Yu. Zabalova, a post-graduate student, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia


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